Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I think the Bow-miester is teething. At least I'm hoping that's what the increased interested in biting my hand can be credited towards.

We finally broke the habit of clawing me. My arms started to look normal again and not like I was trying to cut myself - seriously, my arms looked B.A.D. bad for a while. But now she bites and it HURTS!

It's not the playful biting she used to do when it didn't bother me because she had no teeth. She's pinching and scratching and I was fairly certain she broke skin the other night, but I have no vampire looking bite wounds, so I guess I'm ok.

Then yesterday I run home for lunch. I finish eating my PB&J (I'm obviously a gourmet chef at this age) and make my bed/put away all my clean clothes. I have extra time, so I'm laying on the bed playing with Bowie and she starts biting me again. I feel bad for leaving her home all day, so I let her continue when I notice blood all over my hand.

So of course I think she's cut me. I yell at her and make her stop. I wipe the blood off, but I can't find any battle wounds or where the blood is coming from. About this time I look over and see a bloody tooth on by bed.


At first I wasn't sure if it was a tooth our claw (they kind of look the same), but after upon further investigation of Bowie's mouth, it is indeed a tooth . It was her outer most 'fang' looking tooth. I wasn't sure if it was supposed to be there or not, since she still had one on the other side. Just what I need, a cat with a missing tooth! (On the other hand, that doesn't sound so bad!)

She seems fine though, so when I come home from Bible Study last night I check to see how the healing process is going and notice that the same tooth on the other side of her mouth is now missing too!

I read this morning that it's common for kittens to loose their 'milk teeth' between 4-6 months. Bowie is right around 5 months now. AND they said that it's common for these teeth to be lost at the same time! She lost hers in the same day, so I think that's pretty close to being at the same time.

I put her little baby tooth on my night stand. The tooth fairy didn't come last night, so I think we'll have to put it under her pillow tonight. Maybe she'll remember to come tonight and bring Bowie something really cool. Like a new "Lady Gaga" since we can't find hers.

This picture was from last night when she was laying on my lap, practically begging me to turn the TV off so she could go to bed. I love that time of an evening because she's so snuggly. :)

1 comment:

  1. CUTE CUTE kitten. I gave our stray away in late September. She is with a good family. She was causing too much stress with Kristen.
